Would you believe me if I told you that my picky 3-year-old used to scream for me to buy brussels sprouts when we went shopping at Trader Joes? The cashiers and people standing in line would question me in disbelief, “what do you do to those brussels sprouts to get a 3-year-old to beg for them?” Actually, there is nothing secret or complicated about it. The biggest tip is, DON’T overcook them! Brussels sprouts come from the cabbage family and have a slight bitterness to them. When steamed to perfection, the bitterness softens. Add a quick high-heat caramelization on a buttered pan and your brussels sprouts will transform into sweet, nutty, bite-sized gems. Maybe you’re one of those adults who still has nightmares of staring down a pile of overcooked brussels sprouts on your plate. Give this method a try and you may be pleasantly surprised. They may even make it to your holiday table!
- 1 Stalk Brussels Sprouts or 1 medium package
- Salt, pepper
- Orange Muscat Vinegar
- Olive oil
- Butter
- Trim the sprouts by cutting off a little by the stem, then a few outer leaves.
- Wash thoroughly.
- Steam the brussels sprouts for 4 minutes. Do not overcook it! The Brussels sprouts should still remain vibrant green and firm.
- Let slightly cool, enough to handle and cut in half lengthwise.
- Preheat a skillet on high heat (I prefer to use either a stainless steel pan or a cast iron pan for the best caramelization).
- Pour 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil and butter.
- Arrange brussels sprouts cut side down and watch them because they will color very quickly. This step is just for the purpose of caramelizing the already steamed brussels sprouts. So, keep them on the pan just enough to get the desired color.
- You may need to do this step in a few batches, depending on how many sprouts you have and how large your pan is.
- Transfer to a large bowl, season with salt and black pepper, a splash of vinegar and toss to coat.
- Serve right away. Brussels sprouts are best eaten the same day as they are prepared.
Photo Step-By-Step
Trim the sprouts by cutting off a little by the stem, then a few outer leaves. This is a great job for kids to help out with!
Wash thoroughly.
Steam the brussels sprouts for 4 minutes. Do not overcook it! The Brussels sprouts should still remain vibrant green and firm.
Let slightly cool, enough to handle and cut in half lengthwise.
Preheat a skillet on high heat (I prefer to use either a stainless steel pan or a cast iron pan for the best caramelization).
Pour 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil and butter.
Arrange brussels sprouts cut side down and watch them because they will color very quickly. This step is just for the purpose of caramelizing the already steamed brussels sprouts. So, keep them on the pan just enough to get the desired color.
You may need to do this step in a few batches, depending on how many sprouts you have and how large your pan is.
Transfer to a large bowl, season with salt and black pepper, a splash of vinegar and toss to coat.
Serve right away. Brussels sprouts are best eaten the same day as they are prepared.
These turned out great! Steaming first made a big difference! They were tender and not bitter at all. Thank you!
Steaming first, then caramelizing does make a big difference! Glad you enjoyed them!